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Tests are run using PyTest. You can simply run this command to launch tests:



High-level documentation is handled by Typer. You can update the generated file using this command:

make docs

Mkdocs is also used to generate a clean web page for documentation, you can check out its rendering by launching:

pip install -e .[docs]
mkdocs serve


Translations and internationalization are managed with Python gettext. Translations files are located in geopic_tag_reader/geopic_tag_reader/translations/ folder. You can make a string in code translated using:

# Load i18n module
from geopic_tag_reader.i18n import init as i18n_init

# Create translator with appropriate language
_ = i18n_init("fr")

# Use _ function to translate
print(_("My label is {mood}").format(mood="good"))

Once you have done all your translations, run this command to update the POT label catalog (you will need to have the gettext utilities installed):

make i18n-code2pot

Then, our translations are managed through our Weblate instance.

If you want to convert translated PO files into MO files, you can run:

make i18n-po2code


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Note that before opening a pull requests, you may want to check formatting and tests of your changes:

make ci

You can also install git pre-commit hooks to format code on commit with:

pip install -e .[dev]
pre-commit install

Add camera information

Many fallback information are made available through the geopic_tag_reader/cameras.csv file, which is structured this way:

  • make: name of camera builder (as noted in Make EXIF field in picture)
  • model: name of camera model (as noted in Model EXIF field in picture)
  • sensor_width: the width of camera sensor (in millimeters)
  • is_360: set to 1 if camera is a 360° device, left empty or set to 0 otherwise
  • gps_accuracy: average GPS accuracy (in meters) if the camera has an embed GPS and pictures don't contain GPS horizontal positioning error in their metadata

If a camera is missing in this list, feel free to offer a pull request or send us these information through an issue or an email so we can expand the list.

Also note that more generic information about GPS accuracy from various camera brands is present in geopic_tag_reader/ file (GPS_ACCURACY_MAKE constant). This allows us to say "all smartphones from this brand have this GPS accuracy", feel free to contact us if we missed some brands.

Make a release

git checkout develop
git pull

vim                    # Edit version + links at bottom
vim geopic_tag_reader/   # Edit version
make prepare_release

git add *
git commit -m "Release x.x.x"
git tag -a x.x.x -m "Release x.x.x"
git push origin develop
git checkout main
git merge develop
git push origin main --tags