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Pictures processing

Panoramax API has 2 modes to process pictures.

The pictures processing can either be done directly by the API (as background threads), or delegated to independent picture processing workers.

Using the API to process pictures is easier to deploy, but using independent picture processing workers can be handy to distribute the load on different servers, especially since picture processing can be quite resource consuming for a limited time.

The 2 modes are not exclusives, you can process pictures from the API and also have independent picture processing workers.

Each worker will only process pictures one by one, but several workers can be run in the same time.


The parameter PICTURE_PROCESS_THREADS_LIMIT can be used to limit the number of background threads used to process the pictures. If set to 0, no background thread will be run, so no pictures will be processed unless a separate picture processing worker is run.

Separate picture processing workers

Separate picture processing workers can be run with the flask endpoint picture-worker:

Note: the picture workers use the same environment variables as the API.

When run directly with flask it is done like:

flask picture-worker

There is a separate docker entrypoint that can be used when using docker:

docker run \
    -e DB_URL=<database connection string>  -e <other variables> \
    --name geovisio-worker \
    panoramax/api:develop \

A docker compose example can be viewed as the service background-worker of the docker compose full file.

In the docker compose example, 5 workers will be run (defined as a replica)

To change this number, you can do:

docker compose up background-worker -d --scale background-worker=<VALUE>