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Available API settings

Panoramax API is highly configurable. All configuration is achieved through environment variables.

Passing environment variables

As bash environment variables

You can pass them directly as environment variables:

DB_URL="postgres://gvs:gvspwd@db/geovisio" FS_URL=/data/geovisio flask <command>

For a production API using waitress, it's the same classic way to give environment variables

DB_URL="postgres://gvs:gvspwd@db/geovisio" FS_URL=/data/geovisio python3 -m waitress --call 'geovisio:create_app'

For a production API using Gunicorn, it's the same classic way to give environment variables

DB_URL="postgres://gvs:gvspwd@db/geovisio" FS_URL=/data/geovisio gunicorn 'geovisio:create_app()'

docker run -e DB_URL="postgres://gvs:gvspwd@db/geovisio" -e FS_URL=/data/geovisio panoramax/api:latest <command>

For Docker Compose, edit the docker compose file and add/update/remove the needed variables on the API or background worker service.

        image: panoramax/api:latest
            DB_URL: postgres://gvs:gvspwd@db/geovisio
            FS_URL: /data/geovisio

.env file

You can also persist those environment variables in a .env file.

All tools below will load a file named .env if found and if you want to name it differently, you can have your my_config.env file and pass it to the API.

flask --env-file my_config.env <command>

For a production API using waitress, you can wrap it with python-dotenv.

dotenv --file my_config.env run waitress-serve --port 5000 --call geovisio:create_app

For a production API using Gunicorn, you can wrap it with python-dotenv.

dotenv --file my_config.env run gunicorn -b :5000 'geovisio:create_app()'
docker run --env-file my_config.env panoramax/api:latest <command>

Mandatory parameters

The following parameters must always be defined, otherwise Geovisio will not run.


They are automatically set-up when using Docker compose install.

  • DB_URL : connection string to access the PostgreSQL database. You can alternatively use a set of DB_PORT, DB_HOST, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME parameters to configure database access.
  • Filesystem URLs : to set where all kind of files can be stored. You have two alternatives here. Note that all the following variables use the PyFilesystem format (example: /path/to/pic/dir for disk storage, s3://mybucket/myfolder? for S3 storage)
  • Single filesystem (for simple deployments) : FS_URL. In that case, the API will create automatically three subdirectories there (tmp, permanent and derivates).
  • Separate filesystems (for large scale deployments) : you have then to set 3 filesystems URLs
    • FS_TMP_URL : temporary storage for pictures waiting for blurring (if blur is enabled and necessary for a given picture)
    • FS_PERMANENT_URL : definitive storage of original, high-definition, eventually blurred pictures
    • FS_DERIVATES_URL : cache storage for serving pictures derivates (thumbnail, tiles, standard-definition version)

Optional parameters


More information about your organization and API can be set through API_SUMMARY parameter. This must be set as JSON following this structure:

    "name": {"en": "My server", "fr": "Mon serveur"},
    "description": {"en": "This is where I serve pictures", "fr": "C'est ici que je propose des photos"},
    "logo": "",
    "color": "#ff0000"
  • name: the short name of the server. This is a list of translated names (key is a ISO 639 language code, with at least en defined).
  • description: a longer description label for the server. This is a list of translated labels (key is a ISO 639 language code, with at least en defined).
  • logo: an URL to a SVG file representing the logo of your organization.
  • color: a HTML-compatible color code (hexadecimal, RGB, HSL, standardized color name...).

External serving of pictures files

For performance, it might be handy to serve the pictures by another mean. It's especially true for S3-based storage, where we can save some time and API resources by serving the pictures directly from S3. One could also imagine serving the pictures through an Nginx web server or equivalent:

  • API_PERMANENT_PICTURES_PUBLIC_URL: External accessible URL for the permanent pictures (the main HD pictures).
  • API_DERIVATES_PICTURES_PUBLIC_URL: External accessible URL for the derivates pictures.

If you set those parameters, the given pictures location will be returned by the STAC API in collections and search results. Also, /api/pictures/:id/:kind routes will redirect to the external URL.

The pictures must be accessible through those URLs, and stored in the same way as Panoramax API does.

For example if FS_PERMANENT_URL has been set to s3://geovisio:SOME_VERY_SECRET_KEY@panoramax-pulic/main-pictures?endpoint_url=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost:9090, API_PERMANENT_PICTURES_PUBLIC_URL needs to be set to http://localhost:9090/panoramax-public/main-pictures (notice the main-pictures sub directory in both variables). If only FS_URL has been set, the sub directory needs to be specified too (it's /permanent for permanent pictures and /derivates for the derivates).

For the moment API_DERIVATES_PICTURES_PUBLIC_URL is only possible if all the derivates are pregenerated (PICTURE_PROCESS_DERIVATES_STRATEGY=PREPROCESS).

S3 particularity

For S3-based storage, the easiest way is to set the bucket used for permanent pictures (and derivates if you also want them) to public read.

This can be done with a command like (if geovisio-storage-public is the bucket):

aws s3api put-bucket-acl --bucket geovisio-storage-public --acl public-read

Note: This ACL can also be set on bucket creation.

In minio the command is:

mc anonymous set download myminio/geovisio-storage-public;

⚖️ Picture's license

  • API_PICTURES_LICENSE_SPDX_ID: SPDX id of the picture's license. If none is set, the pictures's license is considered to be proprietary.
  • API_PICTURES_LICENSE_URL: url to the license.

Only 1 license can be defined per Panoramax instance, and the API will always link the returned pictures to their license.

The instance's license can also be seen in landing page (/api), in a link with the relation type license, as defined by STAC specification. It can also be accessed through the /api/configuration route.

Both those parameters should be either not defined or defined together.

Note: Panoramax advise the license to either be:

Picture processing

  • API_BLUR_URL : URL of the blurring API to use. Keep empty for disabling picture blur. See blur documentation for more info.
  • PICTURE_PROCESS_DERIVATES_STRATEGY : sets if picture derivates versions should be pre-processed (value PREPROCESS to generate all derivates during process-sequences) or created on-demand at user query (value ON_DEMAND by default to generate at first API call needing the picture).
  • PICTURE_PROCESS_THREADS_LIMIT: limit the number of thread used to process pictures (more details in Pictures processing doc). Values are: -1 for as many threads as CPU can handle, 0 to disable processing (to run in a separate worker), positive integer for a fixed amount of thread.
  • PICTURE_PROCESS_REFRESH_CRON: Cron syntax to tell the background workers when to refresh the database stats (they execute the flask db refresh command). Defaults to "0 2 * * *" which is every night at 2 PM.

Flask parameters

All Flask's parameters can be set by prefixing them with FLASK_.

Some notables parameters that a production instance will want to set are:

  • FLASK_SECRET_KEY: Flask's secret key. A secret key used among other things for securely signing the session cookie. For production should be provided with a long random string as stated in flask's documentation.
  • FLASK_PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME: Flask's cookie lifetime, number of second before a cookie is invalided (and thus time before the user should log in again). Default is 7 days.
  • FLASK_SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN: Flask's cookie domain, should be set to the domain of the instance.
  • FLASK_SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY: Contrary to flask, default to true since Panoramax Website needs it in order to allow front-end to read dynamically the authentication cookie. You can set to it to false if you're not planning on using a Panoramax Website.

Front-end parameters

Some API responses creates links to front-end pages (for example, RSS feed). Panoramax API offer a basic default front-end (Flask templates in /geovisio/templates folder), but you may either want to use other Flask templates, or use a completely separated front-end (like Panoramax Website).

If you want to override default front-end, you may change:

  • API_MAIN_PAGE: front page to use. Either a HTML template name (from /geovisio/templates folder), or a complete URL to a third-party web page (like Defaults to main.html.
  • API_VIEWER_PAGE : page for the full-page web viewer. Same logic as above. Defaults to viewer.html.

🔐 Authentication & OAuth

These parameters are useful if you want to enable authentication on your Panoramax instance. A short summary of available parameters is listed below, and more details about setting up authentication is available in External identity providers documentation.

  • OAUTH_PROVIDER: external OAuth provider used to authenticate users. If provided can be either oidc (for OpenIdConnect) or osm.
  • OAUTH_OIDC_URL: if OAUTH_PROVIDER is oidc, url of the realm to use (example: http://localhost:3030/realms/geovisio for a Keycloack deployed locally on port 3030)
  • OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: OAuth client id as set in the identity provider
  • OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: OAuth client secret as set in the identity provider
  • API_FORCE_AUTH_ON_UPLOAD: require a login before using the upload API (collection creation and picture upload). Values are true or false (defaults to false)


  • DB_CHECK_SCHEMA: Tells Panoramax API to check that the database schema is up to date before starting. If true and the schema is not up to date, API will not start. This should be set to false only when you know the schema will be updated alongside API, as it might not be able to run correctly with an old database schema. You might want to set it to false if you want to upgrade API and the database schema at the same time, and only expose API to your users after the schema migration successfully ended. Values are true or false (defaults to true).
  • DB_MIN_CNX: minimum number of connections in the connection pool. Default to 0
  • DB_MAX_CNX: maximum number of connections in the connection pool. Default to 10.
  • DB_STATEMENT_TIMEOUT: database statement timeout in milliseconds. Default to 5 minutes (300000 ms). Valid for all statement executed by API (apart from specificly long queries). Setting it to 0 will disable the timeout.


  • INFRA_NB_PROXIES : tell API that it runs behind some proxies, so that it can trust the X-Forwarded- headers for URL generation (more details in the Flask documentation).

Debug parameters

The following parameters are useful for monitoring instance status, or enabling some debug functions.

  • API_LOG_LEVEL: change the logging level. Can be debug, info, warn or error. Defaults to info.
  • DEBUG_PICTURES_SKIP_FS_CHECKS_WITH_PUBLIC_URL=true: skip verification of picture file on filesystem if a public URL is defined to access pictures (with API_PERMANENT_PICTURES_PUBLIC_URL or API_DERIVATES_PICTURES_PUBLIC_URL).
  • API_ACCEPT_DUPLICATE: makes the instance accept several times the same picture. Can be handy in development context.


The crash errors and performance metrics can be sent to a Sentry instance (whether it's a self-hosted Sentry or

  • SENTRY_DSN: Sentry data source name
  • SENTRY_TRACE_SAMPLE_RATE: percentage of traces to send to Sentry (cf doc).
  • SENTRY_PROFIL_SAMPLE_RATE: percentage of profile (performance reports) to send to Sentry (more documentation).