To run the tests, install the [dev]
requirements in your virtualenv (cf the installation section), then run pytest:
By default, the tests use a Docker Compose environment (using ./docker-compose.yml
and ./harvester/tests/docker-compose-geovisio.yml
) to set-up a temporary stack. You can also spawn the docker compose on you own, then run the tests using the external docker compose used. This can speed up greatly the tests:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f harvester/tests/docker-compose-geovisio.yml up -d --wait
# run pytest telling it where to find all services
pytest --external-geovisio_instance_1-url=http://localhost:5101/api --external-geovisio_instance_2-url=http://localhost:5102/api --external-api-url http://localhost:9000 --external-db-url postgresql://username:password@localhost:5439/panoramax --external-secrets-url http://localhost:5100 -vv -s
All files should be formated using ruff: