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Compatibility with STAC API

Panoramax viewer works best with a Panoramax API, but is designed to be compatible with a wide range of STAC API. Although, third-party STAC API needs the following requirements to work with our viewer:

  • Collections corresponding to pictures sequences, and items corresponding to individual pictures
  • Offer a /search endpoint (documentation)
  • Picture items should have required metadata documented below.
  • Offer a vector tiles endpoint for map display, either with:
    • A MapLibre Style JSON file, advertised through landing page (/api) with a xyz-style link.
    • A direct tiles URL, pointing to tiles in MVT format and following layer structure described below. It must be advertised in landing page (/api) using Web Map Links STAC extension (as xyz link).

Optional metadata could also be supplied by third-party STAC API to improve viewer usability:

  • In landing page (/api route, corresponding to main STAC Catalog):
    • An extent property (following this format) could be provided to make map zoom in available data area by default.
    • A collection-preview link pointing to a formatted URL (like{id}/thumb.jpg) which is a direct link to a thumbnail image to represent a specific sequence.
    • A item-preview link pointing to a formatted URL (like http://localhost:5000/api/pictures/{id}/thumb.jpg) which is a direct link to a thumbnail image for a given picture.
    • A data link with application/rss+xml media type pointing to a RSS feed of recently uploaded collections. Given link may also support a bbox query string parameter to filter collections by their location.
    • Links user-xyz (MVT media type) and user-search (JSON media type) to allow filtering by user.
    • A report link with application/json media type to allow posting pictures reports.
    • A title property for showing proper API name in viewer debug.

Perspective imagery metadata

Pictures metadata follow STAC item specification, plus some extensions:

  • Perspective imagery specification for its pictures and sequences metadata (documentation)
  • Tiled assets specification for smooth display of high-resolution pictures (documentation)

Viewer relies on following item metadata for display:

  • assets
    • roles: data, visual and thumbnail
    • type: image/jpeg or image/webp
    • href
  • assets_templates
    • tiles
      • role: data
      • href
  • geometry
  • collection
  • id
  • links
    • rel: prev, next, related
    • type: application/geo+json
    • id
    • geometry
    • datetime
  • properties
    • pers:interior_orientation
      • field_of_view
      • focal_length
    • view:azimuth
    • pers:roll
    • pers:pitch
    • datetime or datetimetz
    • tiles:tile_matrix_sets
      • geovisio
        • type: TileMatrixSetType
        • tileMatrix
          • matrixHeight
          • matrixWidth
          • tileHeight
          • tileWidth

Vector tiles format

MVT Vector tiles must contain at least two layers : sequences and pictures.

Layer sequences:

  • Available on all zoom levels
  • Available properties: id (sequence ID)

Layer pictures:

  • Available on zoom levels >= 15
  • Available properties: id (picture ID), ts (picture date/time), heading (picture heading in degrees)

A supplementary layer grid can be made available for low-zoom overview:

  • Available on zoom levels < 6
  • Available properties: id (grid cell ID), nb_pictures (amount of pictures), coef (value from 0 to 1, relative quantity of available pictures)

Labels translation

If your vector tiles support multiple languages, you can set in your style.json the list of supported languages :

    "metadata": {
        "panoramax:locales": ["fr", "en", "latin"]

The viewer will try to find the best matching name:LANG property according to user browser settings.