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Panoramax instance website can be installed through classic method, or using Docker.

You need to have installed on your system:

The website can be installed locally by retrieving this repository and installing dependencies:

# Retrieve source code
git clone
cd website/

# Install dependencies
npm install

Then, you need to define some settings. You have to create a .env file and edit its content.

cp env.example .env

See Configuration for more details about available settings.

Then, building for production can be done with these commands:

npm run build
PORT=3000 npm run start

The website is now available at localhost:3000.

The Docker deployment is a really convenient way to have a Panoramax website running in an easy and fast way. Note that this setup documentation only covers Panoramax front-end (website), if you also need an API running, please refer to API docs.

You can use the provided Docker Hub panoramax/website:latest image directly:

docker run \
    -e VITE_API_URL="" \
    -e VITE_INSTANCE_NAME="My Own Panoramax" \
    -e VITE_TILES="" \
    -p 3000:3000 \
    --name panoramax-website \
    -d \

This will run a container bound on localhost:3000.

You can also build the image from the local source with:

docker build -t panoramax/website:latest .