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Many things can be customized in your Panoramax instance Website.

1 - Basic Settings

Low-level settings can be configured using the .env file. You can find an example in the env.example file.

Available Parameters:

General Configuration


  • Description: The URL to the Panoramax API.

  • Expected Value: A valid URL.
  • Example:


  • Description: The name of your Panoramax instance.

  • Expected Value: A string representing the instance name.
  • Example: IGN


  • Description: Specifies the environment (e.g., development or production).
  • Expected Value: A string, typically dev or prod.
  • Example: dev

Map Configuration


  • Description: URL of the vector tiles to use as the default map view.

  • Expected Value: a JSON string or a valid URL to a JSON file which has the vector tiles configuration
  • Default: Uses OpenStreetMap tiles (hosted by OpenStreetMap France) if not specified.
  • Example:


  • Description: Text attribution to display inside the map viewer, associated with the tiles used.

  • Expected Value: A string.
  • Example: © IGN


  • Description: URL of the raster (aerial) tiles to use. Refer to the MapLibre docs for more information.

  • Expected Value: a JSON string or a valid URL to a JSON file which has the vector tiles configuration
  • Example: (LEAVING THIS BLANK FOR NOW, DON'T MERGE. It's rare to have a url you can use for the aerial imagery but specifying json in a docker compose file is a nightmare)


  • Description: The initial zoom level of the map when it loads.

  • Expected Value: A number between 0 and 24.
  • Explanation: 0 represents a fully zoomed-out view (world), while 24 is the maximum zoom level, displaying a close-up view.
  • Default: 0


  • Description: The maximum zoom level allowed on the map.

  • Expected Value: A number between 0 and 24, but typically set to number at the higher end like 24.
  • Default: 24


  • Description: The center position for the map when it's first initialized.
  • Expected Value: A pair of coordinates in the format Longitude,Latitude (e.g., 0.000,0.000).
  • Explanation: Currently, due to a known bug, only the digits before the decimal point are used, ignoring anything after the dot.

Viewer and Metadata Configuration


  • Description: The title for the <title> tag of the HTML.

  • Expected Value: A string.
  • Example: Panoramax IGN: photo-cartographier les territoires


  • Description: The description for meta tags, which is useful for SEO.

  • Expected Value: A string.
  • Example: L'instance Panoramax IGN permet la publication de photos de terrain pour cartographier le territoire. Panoramax favorise la réutilisation des photos pour de nombreux cas d'usage.


  • Description: The title for the meta tags.
  • Expected Value: A string.
  • Example: Panoramax IGN: photo-cartographier les territoires
  • Description: Enables the TOS (terms of service) pages.
  • Expected Value: true or false
  • Default: false

2 - Wording customization

Panoramax instance website can be customized to have wording reflecting your brand, licence and other elements.

All the wordings of the website are on this locale file. In there, you might want to change:

  • The website title (properties title and meta.title)
  • The description (property meta.description)
  • Links to help pages:
  • upload.description
  • upload.footer_description_terminal

2.1 - Lang customization

There is already files to have custom langage li French and English here You can edit these files if you want change the wordings or use the collaborative site Weblate If you want to add a new translation file, you can add it with the structure name {locale}.json and put it inside the folder. After that you need to edit the index.ts and add your new locale here

3.1 - Terms of service customization

If you want to activate the terms of service management, you have to define the VITE_LEGAL_TERMS_ACTIVE en var to true Terms of service are defined inside this folder and managed by markdowns files (.md). If VITE_LEGAL_TERMS_ACTIVE is true and if you have a markdown file with the structure name {locale} (example: ), the file will be used to display the terms of service page. If VITE_LEGAL_TERMS_ACTIVE is true but you have only the, the default terms of service wordings will be displayed. You can add any file inside the folder if you want to add terms of service or you can directly modify the existing files.
If you want to add a new locale, don't forget to edit the index.ts and add your new locale here

3 - Visuals

The following images can be changed to make the website more personal: